
Guest Speaker

3/1(土)の17時礼拝のゲストスピーカーは、デイビッドトゥルーベック師です! ⁡ 
We are excited to host Ps David Trubek on Saturday, March 1st! ⁡

David Trubek is married to Victoria Trubek. They have two children: Orel, a 16-year-old boy, and Emanuel, an 8-year-old girl. David serves as the Director of Chosen People Ministries Japan, a branch of Chosen People Global, which was established in 1894 and today is the oldest Jewish Messianic Mission.



Born in August 1981 in Latvia to a Jewish family that believes in Yeshua, David's parents made Aliyah to Israel after the collapse of the communist regime in Latvia the end of the 1980s. Raised in the holy city of Jerusalem, David was immersed in Jewish traditions and teachings from an early age. He studied the Torah, Talmud, and Rabbinic writings at a Jewish Religious College, “Shvut Ami,” which provided him with a strong foundation to serve both the Jewish community and educate Christian believers about the cultural contexts of the Holy Scriptures.
